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Tipo de Material (Spa): Tesis Maestría
Título : Using the Main Agroecological Structure (MAS) indicator for evaluating the agroecological status of farms along the ecuadorian northern-central Andean region
Autor : Saenz Lituma, Mauricio Gabriel
Director de Tesis: De Marchi, Massimo, dir.
Descriptores / Subjects : AGRICULTURA
Identificador de lugar: ECUADOR
Fecha de Publicación : 2022
Ciudad: Editorial : Padua, IT: Università Degli Studi Di Padova. Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale
Paginación: 93 p.
Cita Sugerida : Saenz Lituma, Mauricio Gabriel. Using the Main Agroecological Structure (MAS) indicator for evaluating the agroecological status of farms along the ecuadorian northern-central Andean region. Padua, 2022-2023, 93 p. Thesis (International Master’s Degree in Sustainable Territorial Development: Climate Change, Diversity and Cooperation / Maestría en Cambio Climático, Sustentabilidad y Desarrollo). Università Degli Studi Di Padova. Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale / Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador. Área de Ambiente y Sustentabilidad.
Código: TC-0011
Descripción : TheMain Agroecological Structure (MAS) methodology aims to measure the degree of development of the ecological structure in an agroecosystem or farm. This structure relies upon 1) the degree of connectivity of the agroecosystem with the surrounding naturally occurring ecosystem, 2) the biodiversity that can be found in the living fences inside the farm and 3) the capacity of the farm administrator to improve or maintain this biodiversity. The MAS measurement will increase with practices favoring biodiversity and conservation within the farm, improving the agroecosystem resilience to natural or anthropogenic-derived disturbances. This comes in handy in the context of the Andean region of Ecuador, where many small-scale producers have transitioned from conventional agriculture to agroecology. However, they face severe challenges derived from environmental, social and political constraints. For this reason, I evaluated the MAS of 20 farms in different degrees of agroecological transition in five locations of the northern-central Andean region of Ecuador. I found that they had a moderately developed structure on average ( =71.05), with a maximum of 89.94 and a minimum of 54.75. MAS variation is strongly influenced by the practices employed for production and natural resource conservation and the capacity of farm administrators to sustain this performance in time. In addition, MAS was significantly related to the study site, with significantly higher values ofMAS in the locations of Cayambe and La Merced, Pichincha. One of the main differences between the groups was the more extended prevalence of cooperation and development programs. Longer processes of capacity building and leadership formation might directly impact assertive decisionmaking and an effective agroecological transition. For this reason, I propose thatMAS measurements in the study site should be complemented with an analysis of the Cooperation and Networking Potential (CNP). This involves: 1) the quality of the interchange of knowledge between farmers and between farmers and organizations, 2) the time that this interchange has lasted and 3) the level of empowerment that farmers might achieve in their practices. The MAS analysis provides valuable feedback obtained with simple, low-cost methodologies that academics and producers could implement. This study aims to establish a baseline to support farm administrators' assertive decisionmaking. Hopefully, this practice will scale up to other sites, enabling farmers to adopt practices to sustain production in time while preserving agroecosystem functions, soil health, food sovereignty and appropriate means of subsistence for all.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10644/10089
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría en Cambio Climático, Sustentabilidad y Desarrollo / Joint Master’s degree in Sustainable Territorial Development, STeDe: Climate Change, Diversity, Cooperation

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